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Thumbnail of Beth's Story:


After living through a long season of life going through the motions spiritually, God made himself known to me through great hardship.  Although those times are nothing I would wish on anyone else, they were sweet times of discovering who God was.   Having walked through marriage struggles, addiction, infertility, death  and cancer - I can say with all confidence that my faith in Christ has given me much strength, direction and peace.

Out of that,  flows my desire to encourage other women who may find themselves in the same place of running on fumes or having no relationship at all with the only One that can make a permanent change.  

The Lord has given me many wonderful opportunities to step outside of my box and interact with others that are not always like me.   He made a way for me to minister alongside my best friends all while linking with new friends to serve with.  

I have been married to my college sweetheart for 30 years and we have 3 wonderful kids. (Those facts are astounding once you know how close we were to NOT being together and a doctor telling us we would never have children).   I am getting to minister alongside and to women after NOT liking women for a long time.  I get to interact with strangers and have deep conversations out of nowhere, after living the majority of my life shy and afraid to interact.   God allows me to lead a ministry and speak at women's events when I KNOW I have nothing in and of myself to offer.   The way God writes our stories is usually nothing like we would write for ourselves.  (The Bible illustrates that so well).   It is because I have experienced Him that way, I want other women to also.  

I am truly honored to serve with Women of Worth Outreach Ministries -   Beth

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